Living With Scanxiety: Cancer Podcast
Join Rosaria Kozar, the mother of a warrior, as she interviews oncologists, pediatricians, survivors, parents, and other applicable organizations in the pediatric cancer world. If you need support as a caregiver or are just curious about childhood cancer, this is the show for you. Living With Scanxiety: Cancer Podcast discusses more than scans; it covers life during treatment and post-treatment. Subscribe, and I hope you will get some much-needed support from the show. Rosaria's mission is to inform, support, and promote hope.
Living With Scanxiety: Cancer Podcast
Chad Ehlers on Caregiving, Chad Change, and Activism
Season 4
Episode 7
Season 4 Episode 7: Join me as I interview activist and advocate for childhood cancer, Chad Ehlers. We discuss everything from his presence on social media to caregiving his child Mia, who is currently battling Leukemia.
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